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Tag : wordpress
April 07, 2023

How to empty cache: Magento 2 and WordPress cache

How to empty cache: Magento 2 and WordPress cache
Learning how to empty the cache for Magento 2 and WordPress websites can help you propagate changes across your website much faster. Let's go over the details and methods involved.
April 06, 2023

Locating your SSH (Secure Shell) credentials in Managed WordPress/WooCommerce

Locating your SSH (Secure Shell) credentials in Managed WordPress/WooCommerce
SSH (Secure Shell) and SSH FTP (SFTP) access via command line is available in Managed WordPress and Managed WooCommerce plans and credentials are found within each site's management page.
April 05, 2023

How to set up and configure WordPress with Google reCAPTCHA keys

How to set up and configure WordPress with Google reCAPTCHA keys
Learn how to set up and configure Google reCAPTCHA keys on your WordPress website with this easy guide from Nexcess.
March 27, 2023

Adding a pointer domain for the primary domain name

Adding a pointer domain for the primary domain name
A pointer domain — or a parked domain — allows you to have multiple domain names display the content of your site. Let's review pointer domains and adding them for a Nexcess-hosted site.
March 22, 2023

Optimizing Managed WordPress using the W3 Total Cache plugin

Optimizing Managed WordPress using the W3 Total Cache plugin
This article will shed light on advanced caching options for WordPress — and how to leverage the robust caching-related functionality of the W3 Total Cache plugin and its many features.
March 16, 2023

How to configure the Nexcess CDN using the WordPress CDN Enabler by KeyCDN

How to configure the Nexcess CDN using the WordPress CDN Enabler by KeyCDN
At Nexcess, our hosting plans provide the WordPress CDN Enabler plugin by KeyCDN to facilitate the setup required to turn on your CDN in the context of your Nexcess-hosted website.
March 14, 2023

Useful SEO features in the Jetpack plugin

Useful SEO features in the Jetpack plugin
The Jetpack plugin for WordPress includes a collection of tools that work together to enhance your website in the areas of SE0, performance, and security.
March 13, 2023

WordPress security best practices — WordPress Admin Panel

WordPress security best practices — WordPress Admin Panel
In this article, you will get an overview of WordPress security and setup along with some of the WordPress security best practices for securing the administration login area.
March 10, 2023

How to use FTP/SFTP to transfer files with CrossFTP

How to use FTP/SFTP to transfer files with CrossFTP
This article will explore and describe the features of some of the best FTP clients available for the Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms, including the featured CrossFTP client application.
March 06, 2023

Managed WordPress or WooCommerce plan — change email password

Managed WordPress or WooCommerce plan — change email password
This article will provide an overview of the change email password process with regard to your Managed WordPress or Managed WooCommerce plan with Nexcess.
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