Improve page speed with our purpose-built content delivery network (CDN). Our edge network is integrated into our platforms for easy use without configuration complexity.

Explore our Edge network, powered by Cloudflare
Fully managed CDN services
Qualys SSL Labs graded “A” assessment
SSL-secured CDN network
Climate-conscious technology
An Edge content delivery network (CDN) stores and serves images and other assets from a collection of servers distributed across regions to speed up content delivery to users. It uses nodes and “edge locations” to find the fastest route to the user so you can save bandwidth and lower latency.
Static files like images, videos, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS can be stored on a CDN.
Everyone with a hosted website should use a CDN. Because speed affects everything in our digital world, we recommend using an Edge CDN. Our Edge CDN has multiple locations around the world, so pages load fast no matter where your site visitors are.
The Nexcess Edge CDN can be used in WordPress, Magento,WooCommerce and ExpressionEngine applications. It should be able to be used with other applications.
Yes. The large object cache is stored on Solid State Disks to balance throughput and latency from edge servers. This includes compressed archives, documents, movies and executables.
The small object cache is stored in memory. This includes HTML, Images, JavaScript, and CSS files.
You can set custom expire values for small and large object caches, with defaults designed to optimize traffic between origin and edge servers.
IPv6 is enabled by default at no extra cost. All edge domain names come preconfigured with IPv6 Quad-A records.
We use HTTP/2 to help stream multiple objects through a single connection and so you can provide preload hints with the rel=preload link tag.
We use TLS 1.3. We also support TLS 1.2 with intermediate cipher suite for broad device compatibility.
Yes, we compress files with next-generation Brotli compression. We also support Gzip compression if a users browser doesn’t support Brotli.
Yes, our Edge network passes an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for common CORS objects such as CSS and Javascript.
Content updates take place in the background. During this time, your visitors are served the expired (stale) object until the network has finished updating.
Directly in the Nexcess portal of your site you can purge the Nexcess CDN. In the case of Managed WordPress and Managed WooCommerce plan sites you can also purge the Nexcess CDN directly in the admin bar of the WordPress dashboard.
No, the Nexcess CDN powered by Cloudflare can not be used on all dedicated servers and with enterprise clusters. We recommend a Premium plan directly with Cloudflare for these service types.