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Tag : wordpress-security
September 29, 2023

Introducing SiteKeep for WordPress and WooCommerce websites

Introducing SiteKeep for WordPress and WooCommerce websites
Stewarding optimal performance, the WordPress SiteKeep service monitors site heath, updates WordPress components, and implements necessary design/content tweaks for you.
July 31, 2023

Malware remediation service for managed WordPress/WooCommerce sites

Malware remediation service for managed WordPress/WooCommerce sites
Learn about the malware remediation service from Nexcess. Let us get your site back up and running fast. Our experts will keep your site running malware-free.
July 13, 2023

How to create SSH keys in Linux and macOS

How to create SSH keys in macOS and Linux
SSH keys are a more secure way to access an SSH server since they better resist hacking attacks. This article will explain how to create SSH keys in Linux and macOS.
July 11, 2023

WordPress security features — changing security keys and salts

WordPress security features — changing security keys and salts
An essential WordPress security feature is the implementation of authentication keys and salts to safeguard the WordPress Admin Panel from unauthorized access by adding another layer of security.
June 07, 2023

How to FTP using FileZilla with Nexcess

How to FTP using FileZilla with Nexcess
Let’s look at what FTP is, how Nexcess supports the process, then how to install and use FileZilla to transfer files. By reading this article, you will know how to FTP using FileZilla with Nexcess.
May 30, 2023

Unblock site/block site with password protection for dev and staging environments

Unblock site/block site with password protection for dev and staging environments
How do you restrict access to your development or staging website created for testing purposes? The answer is password protection — used as a way to block a site or unblock a site for visitors.
May 25, 2023

Changing passwords for MariaDB users in the Nexcess Cloud

Changing passwords for MariaDB users in the Nexcess Cloud
Nexcess Cloud web hosting plans provide a great way to manage your website databases and database MariaDB users from the Nexcess Client Portal. Learn more in this informative article.
May 03, 2023

Your Nexcess guide to WooCommerce fraud prevention

Your Nexcess guide to WooCommerce fraud prevention
Nexcess has been on the front line of WooCommerce fraud prevention for years. Learn what common security threats to look out for and how to protect your WooCommerce website from fraudulent activity.
April 06, 2023

Locating your SSH (Secure Shell) credentials in Managed WordPress/WooCommerce

Locating your SSH (Secure Shell) credentials in Managed WordPress/WooCommerce
SSH (Secure Shell) and SSH FTP (SFTP) access via command line is available in Managed WordPress and Managed WooCommerce plans and credentials are found within each site's management page.
March 13, 2023

WordPress security best practices — WordPress Admin Panel

WordPress security best practices — WordPress Admin Panel
In this article, you will get an overview of WordPress security and setup along with some of the WordPress security best practices for securing the administration login area.
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