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May 09, 2023

Transfer from Flywheel hosting to Nexcess hosting

Transfer from Flywheel hosting to Nexcess hosting
Let's take inventory of the advantages of Nexcess hosting, where your site will have more tools, addons, and resources. Then, let's learn how to migrate your site from Flywheel hosting to Nexcess.
May 05, 2023

Moving WordPress local development to your server

Moving WordPress local development to your server
Transferring code from localhost to a live website is similar to migrating a website from one server to another. Move WordPress local development to Nexcess hosting using this guide.
May 03, 2023

Your Nexcess guide to WooCommerce fraud prevention

Your Nexcess guide to WooCommerce fraud prevention
Nexcess has been on the front line of WooCommerce fraud prevention for years. Learn what common security threats to look out for and how to protect your WooCommerce website from fraudulent activity.
May 02, 2023

Web hosting in the cloud — create Nexcess Cloud account

Web hosting in the cloud — create Nexcess Cloud account
We’ve made it easy for you to set up a Nexcess Cloud account. Before we get to the steps involved with setting up web hosting in the cloud, let’s find out what cloud technology is all about.
May 01, 2023

Nexcess website hosting service provider — edit account details

Nexcess website hosting service provider — edit account details
As a fundamental set of account management tasks with Nexcess as your website hosting service provider, this article will inform you how to edit the various account details.
April 27, 2023

MySQL vs. MariaDB: Nexcess application stack with MariaDB

MySQL vs. MariaDB: Nexcess application stack with MariaDB
Let's examine the history of MySQL vs. MariaDB and see how they compare — MySQL vs. MariaDB — and the performance advantages behind why the Nexcess application stack is built using MariaDB.
April 26, 2023

What is Nexcess Cloud auto scaling?

What is Nexcess Cloud auto scaling?
Cloud auto scaling allows your website to instantly handle more concurrent visitors. At Nexcess, our "autoscaled PHP workers" fortify site resources when there are spikes in web traffic.
April 25, 2023

Managed WordPress & WooCommerce: How to make a WordPress site live

Managed WordPress & WooCommerce: How to make a WordPress site live
Once your site is good to go after design and testing phases are done, you can take your WordPress site live by following the steps provided in this article for how to make a WordPress site live.
April 24, 2023

How to add an SSH key to the server for your Nexcess Cloud account

How to add an SSH key to the server for your Nexcess Cloud account
Leverage the security of the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. This article explains how to add an SSH key to the server for your Nexcess Cloud account and set up your SSH key at Nexcess.
April 20, 2023

Creating website backups from the Site Dashboard for WordPress/WooCommerce

Creating website backups from the Site Dashboard for WordPress/WooCommerce
This article will give you an overview of Nexcesss website backups, the Nexcess data backup policy, and how to create a manual backup from the Nexcess Client Portal in an ad hoc fashion.
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