Nexcess Knowledge Base
July 05, 2023
Magento 2 upgrade — moving to a newer version of Magento 2

Magento 2 upgrades via software updates are provided regularly to increase performance, resolve issues, add new features, and improve the shop experience. It's best to keep the platform updated.
Posted in:
June 29, 2023
Learn a Magento 2 fix for the "Invalid form key. Please refresh the page." error

You must learn Magento 2 better in order to investigate the root causes of the "Invalid form key. Please refresh the page." error. Then, you can fix the error using these solutions and best practices.
Posted in:
June 23, 2023
By Dylan Kramer
Edit PHP files — .user.ini, nexinfo.php, and php.ini files

Scripts running on your website hosted with Nexcess may require more resources, so you may want to edit PHP files or adjust PHP settings in other ways — or enlist our team to change the php.ini file.
Posted in:
June 21, 2023
By Kiki Sheldon
Migrations — how Nexcess handles websites infected with malware

Gain knowledge on how to clean up websites infected with malware. Plus, learn how the Nexcess migration team helps as you switch hosting providers — if even your website has existing malware issues.
Posted in:
June 09, 2023
By Nexcess
Magento 2 FAQ

Are you looking to better manage your Magento 2 ecommerce platform? Our Magento 2 FAQ is right here for you with the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
June 07, 2023
By Christy Joy
How to FTP using FileZilla with Nexcess

Let’s look at what FTP is, how Nexcess supports the process, then how to install and use FileZilla to transfer files. By reading this article, you will know how to FTP using FileZilla with Nexcess.
Posted in:
May 31, 2023
By Amy Myers
Managed WordPress or WooCommerce plan — change email password

For when you prefer to use a custom password instead of a system-generated one, let's review the change email password steps — for email hosting related to WordPress or WooCommerce plans at Nexcess.
Posted in:
May 23, 2023
Fixing Magento issues with "error processing your request"

One of the most frequent Magento issues is the "error processing your request" condition. This article will delve into what this Magento issue means, what causes it, and how to fix it.
May 18, 2023
By Christy Joy
Nexcess hosting environments — accessing staging and dev areas

Learn how to manage web hosting environments with regard to staging and development areas at Nexcess. Build and test features/settings on staging and dev with no impact to your production website.
Posted in:
dev,managing dev & staging,nexcess: managing dev & staging environments,managing dev & staging environments at nexcess, what are the differences between a development environment & a staging environment?,nexcess development environments,managing your development & staging environments with nexcess ,development environment,Development,WordPress website development,Web development,nexcess staging environments, why do your need a staging environment?,staging,development and staging environments serve as unique tiers of test environments,managing development & staging environments,WordPress,WooCommerce,Magento
May 16, 2023
By Kiki Sheldon
How to create and edit DNS Zones in the Nexcess Client Portal

Learn how to create and edit DNS Zones in the Nexcess Client Portal. We will also give a brief overview of how DNS works, and the DNS records you will frequently use.
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