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Nexcess Knowledge Base

September 11, 2019

How to add admin users in Magento 1.x

Learn how to give a developer or another individual temporary admin access to your store.
September 11, 2019

Guide to enabling Magento 2 CAPTCHA

Don't leave your Magento 2 store vulnerable to spam and bot attacks. Discover the benefits of CAPTCHA and the best practices for implementing it.
September 11, 2019

How to enable CAPTCHA for user creation in Magento 1.x

Learn how to enable CAPTCHA for user creation in Magento 1.x. We recommend enabling CAPTCHA for user creation and password retrieval to help prevent malicious attempts that can generate spam.
September 11, 2019

Facility Access Policy (OTR)

This document outlines how colo clients can gain access to the Nexcess data center in Dearborn, Michigan (OTR). For additional information about Nexcess data center security and safety policies, refer to the DC Manual.
September 11, 2019

What is Magento?

Learn about Magento, a popular ecommerce platform.
September 11, 2019

Why do I need ModSecurity?

ModSecurity (ModSec) is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) that detects and blocks unwanted intrusions into your site. At Nexcess, we deploy ModSecurity on servers as part of PCI DSS compliance.
September 11, 2019

How to create dev sites for Magento 1

How Nexcess Classic (non-Cloud) clients can create development (dev) sites for Magento 1.
September 11, 2019

How to configure custom nameservers

How Nexcess clients with Dedicated, VPS, or Reseller accounts can configure custom nameservers, provided Nexcess was the registrar for their domain.
September 11, 2019

How to create MySQL database user accounts in SiteWorx

How Nexcess clients on physical (non-cloud) servers can create a new MySQL database user account for a MySQL database.
September 11, 2019

How to reset Magento 2 admin passwords

Learn how to reset the Magento 2 admin password through both the web interface and the command line interface (CLI).
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