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Category : applications
September 11, 2019

How to add admins in Magento 2

Learn how to give someone temporary access to your Magento 2 store.
September 11, 2019

How to improve the security of your Magento store

Various methods of hardening your Magento store’s security, though many of these apply to any content management system (CMS).
September 11, 2019

How to create Magento 2 dev sites

How Nexcess clients on physical (non-cloud) clients can create Magento 2 development (dev) sites.
September 11, 2019

How to issue a reindex in Magento

Learn how to issue a reindex to optimize performance in Magento 1 from the admin panel or command line, which requires SSH access and some familiarity with the command line interface (CLI).
September 11, 2019

How to set up Magento 2 to use your SSL certificate

Learn how to configure your Magento 2 store to use SSL certificates using either the Magento 2 Dashboard or SSH.
September 11, 2019

How to configure Magento 2 cron jobs

Learn how to configure Magento 2 cron jobs to initiate tasks such as reindexing, generating sitemaps, applying price rules, and other critical activities at a specified time or date interval.
September 11, 2019

What is SOAP?

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an XML-based messaging protocol allowing programs to communicate between different operating systems over a network. Nexcess servers support SOAP.
September 11, 2019

How to configure the Magento Product Importer (Magmi)

Learn how to configure Magmi in a way that functions with our security policy at Nexcess.
September 11, 2019

How to install Magento Community Edition v1.8 and later

Learn how to install Magento Community Edition v1.8 and later. For Nexcess clients, this is not the preferred method. We instead recommend choosing an auto-install option when selecting your service.
September 11, 2019

How to enable the Magento profiler

How to enable and interpret Magento 1’s profiler feature to assist with development.
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