Increasing Average Order Price with Smart Offers for WooCommerce

By streamlining your WooCommerce checkout process you can increase your revenue because more people will make a purchase. But, increasing the volume of sales you get through your store is only one way to increase your revenue. A second way to increase your overall revenue is to increase your average order price. Today we’re going […]

Aliexpress Shipping 101 for Ecommerce Store Owners

Aliexpress Shipping 101 for Store Owners

One-day shipping by Amazon Prime has raised expectations. Customers want their products yesterday. Today, customers don’t just consider price and quality before pressing the buy button. They factor in how long it’s going to take to get their laptop, athleisure shorts, or specialty coffee mug. To stay profitable, store owners who rely on dropshipping for […]

How to use WordPress with WooCommerce

Using Wordpress With WooCommerce: How to Add it to Your Site

Use WordPress with WooCommerce to launch an open source WordPress store. Read this guide to learn how to set up WooCommerce in WordPress.

Do You Really Need Managed WooCommerce Hosting?

The free WooCommerce plugin simply turns your WordPress website into an eCommerce one. Managed WooCommerce Hosting transforms it—into a full-featured, hassle-free, eCommerce platform that will increase the speed, consistency, and functionality of your WooCommerce store. Think of the WooCommerce plugin as your stock car in the race for online sales. Managed WooCommerce Hosting is your […]

Link Building for eCommerce Businesses

In my previous two posts here on Nexcess, I talked about technical SEO and keyword research for eCommerce companies. Both of these form the base of a great SEO strategy. Without a crawlable website or pages on your site targeting keywords with search volume that are relevant to your business, you will never rank. But […]

Launching a T-Shirt Store with Printful and WooCommerce

Customized t-shirts with fun logos are all the rage today. From sassy quotes to puns, and favorite superheroes to inspirational statements, we see people expressing their individuality in a number of different ways. Are you planning to set up such a t-shirt store yourself? Well, there are a few things you’ll need to get your […]

WooCommerce Payment Gateways: Choosing the Right One for Your Online Store

Online store owners spend hours meticulously tinkering and tweaking their ecommerce site’s look and design, yet give less consideration to how their customers will actually pay for their products and services. Given that 12 percent of customers will abandon their cart if the checkout process is too complicated, choosing the wrong payment gateway can hurt […]

Boost Revenue with Managed WooCommerce Hosting

Slow performance, down times, upgrades, migration, server changes. No, these aren’t Jeopardy categories for the “IT Tournament of Champions”. They’re just a few of the many technical issues and sources of frustration from running an eCommerce website that lead to decreased revenue. Aside from costing you time and peace of mind, all these backend problems […]

The Only eCommerce KPI Metrics Glossary You’ll Ever Need

If you hear people talking about KPI metrics, or more explicitly eCommerce KPI metrics, and didn’t want to be the one that raised your hand to ask what they were talking about, we have you covered. Let’s begin with a couple of definitions to make sure we’re on the same page as we walk our […]

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