Mastering Return Policies for Small Businesses

TheraSpecs is an online eyewear vendor that makes tinted sunglasses designed to relieve the effects of migraines. Recently, facing a sharp spike in return rates, the company decided to extend their 45-day free trial. “Even at 45 days, we found that customers who were on the fence were more likely to return their glasses because […]

Streamline WooCommerce checkout

Streamlining your WooCommerce Checkout Process

The name of the game with eCommerce is making sales. Anything that gets in the way of a customer making a purchase is costing you money. Even collecting their email before they’ve made their purchase can cut your sales. Today we’re going to start by looking at ways you can streamline your checkout process so […]

12 Essential Email Examples for Your WooCommerce Business

12 Essential Email Examples for Your WooCommerce Business

Top ecommerce email examples for welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, discount/promotion emails, and other key examples.

Getting the Most out of Facebook for WooCommerce

Getting the Most out of Facebook for WooCommerce

See how to integrate Facebook for WooCommerce into your ecommerce store. You'll reach a bigger audience and build stronger customer relationships.

WordPress photo gallery plugins

What are the Five Best WordPress Photo Gallery Plugins?

Whether you’re a travel blogger, food blogger or fashion blogger showing off vacation spots, delicious meals, and outfit choices, or you’re a photographer, destination, or retail shop highlighting your brand experience, at some point you’re going need to add a gallery of photos or several photo galleries to your WordPress website. And, because you know […]

Getting Started with A/B Testing Your WooCommerce Store

Today we’re going to look at what A/B testing is. I’ll help you identify your metric to watch for your store. And I’ll introduce you to a number of tools that you can use for A/B testing on your WooCommerce site. The truth is that if you’re not testing the changes to your store, then you […]

Starting a T-Shirt Business From Home

It’s no secret that we’re a nation (and, really, a world) that’s obsessed with T-shirts. We have been since before the tie-dye shirts of the ‘60s. People love to express themselves with designs, colors, and slogans that speak to them. It’s no surprise then that designers have been creating their own T-shirts to sell for […]

Increasing Average Order Price with Smart Offers for WooCommerce

By streamlining your WooCommerce checkout process you can increase your revenue because more people will make a purchase. But, increasing the volume of sales you get through your store is only one way to increase your revenue. A second way to increase your overall revenue is to increase your average order price. Today we’re going […]

Aliexpress Shipping 101 for Ecommerce Store Owners

Aliexpress Shipping 101 for Store Owners

One-day shipping by Amazon Prime has raised expectations. Customers want their products yesterday. Today, customers don’t just consider price and quality before pressing the buy button. They factor in how long it’s going to take to get their laptop, athleisure shorts, or specialty coffee mug. To stay profitable, store owners who rely on dropshipping for […]

Performance And Load Testing Your WooCommerce Store

Slow-loading pages and unresponsive interface elements are kryptonite for online stores. Shoppers expect a pleasant experience, and there is nothing pleasant about looking at a loading indicator for ten seconds or trudging through a multi-step checkout process that takes what seems like forever to load each page.

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