It’s Time For WordPress Developers To Learn JavaScript

In 2015’s State Of The Word address, Matt Mullenweg talked about WordPress 4.4, about PHP 7, and about the growth of WordPress, but the headline message of the talk was this: JavaScript and APIs are WordPress’s future. That statement has to be taken in its proper context: WordPress isn’t abandoning PHP, and PHP will be part […]

Five Simple Tips for WordPress Users

An uncared for WordPress site will soldier on through the years, but it won’t provide the best service. Eventually, without intervention, something will go wrong: it will be hacked or a software bug or hardware failure will cause data to be lost. If you aren’t prepared for that eventuality, the result can be catastrophic. The […]

A Quick Guide To JavaScript Frameworks For WordPress Developers

JavaScript is about to enter the WordPress world in a big way. WordPress theme and plugin developers have always used JavaScript, of course — it’s an essential part of the web developer’s toolbox. But with the introduction of a JSON REST API and Matt Mullenweg’s suggestion that WordPress developers should learn Javascript (deeply), we’re likely […]

Should WordPress Publishers Invest In Manual Link Building?

In spite of the many advances Google has made to its search engine algorithms in the years since Larry Page invented PageRank, inbound links are still central to the way the search giant decides how to rank pages. But all links aren’t equal, and the easiest links to get are also the least valuable — […]

The Nexcess logo surrounded by cloud icons and folders.

Speed up WordPress and Magento with Server Clusters

We can accommodate such a diverse range of hosting requirements because of the different infrastructure configurations we offer. In this article, I’d like to discuss how we are able to host the biggest, high-traffic sites and keep them performing faster than most hosts dream of.

Build An Audience For Your WordPress Site With Email Newsletters

A few years ago, I had all but given up on email newsletters. My inbox was full of junk newsletters stuffed with thin content and promotional garbage that didn’t provide a shred of value. I spent more time deleting newsletters than reading them. But over the last couple of years, email newsletters have become genuinely […]

Get Your WordPress Content Into Google News

When you search Google for a topic with relevance to current affairs, you may notice a section on the results page called “In The News”. Unlike some of the other search page sections, the news section doesn’t come from Google’s main index, but from Google News — an algorithmic curation of new stories that have […]

Stop brute force bots from wasting WordPress resources

A brute force attack is the least sophisticated technique online criminals have to compromise WordPress sites. It doesn’t take advantage of obscure coding errors or advanced social engineering techniques. Rather, a brute force attacker simply tries lots of username and password combinations until they find one that works. The execution may be more or less […]

How To Add WordPress Blog Content To Apple News

With the release of iOS 9, Apple introduced Apple News — a combined news interface intended to be the place iPhone and iPad users go to read news. Apple News isn’t limited to traditional news publishers; bloggers are quite welcome to add their content to Apple News too. If you’re not an iOS user (or […]

Selling Digital Content From Your WordPress Site

Selling digital content is an excellent way to make money with a WordPress site. Or, to put it another way, WordPress is an excellent platform for selling digital content. Indeed, many WordPress blogs exist to provide promotion and content marketing support to a business that makes its real money selling digital products. Sales aren’t the […]

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