Creating A Local WordPress Development Environment On Your Mac

If you’re a WordPress user, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of testing every significant change you make to your installation before deploying it on your production hosting. In most cases, upgrading, adding plugins, or tweaking a theme won’t cause problems, but occasionally you’ll get incompatible plugins or break something. The last […]

The Perfect Self-Hosted WordPress Setup For Travel Bloggers

Travel blogging has become wildly popular in recent years. With the rise of the life hacking and digital nomad trends, more and more people are taking advantage of the abilities technology provides to cut the ties to home and hearth and do the work they had been doing remotely from whichever destination they choose. For […]

How To Fight Hackers Targeting A WordPress Blog

Because of the popularity of WordPress, it has become one of the prime targets of hackers. This isn’t because of any particular weakness in WordPress itself, but rather because the sheer number of sites running WordPress make it an irresistible temptation for those who make money from exploiting honest site owners. We’re going to look […]

WordPress Continues To Dominate The Blogosphere

WordPress has long worn the laurels as the most popular content management system in the world. With its 10th birthday on the horizon, WordPress has become the platform of choice for a huge range of content producers, including solo bloggers, large media organizations, and corporations. Even with strong competition from other platforms, the top performers […]

Improving Your WordPress Site’s Transactional Email

Transactional email are the emails that a WordPress site sends out to its users in response to some action they have taken. Newsletters and other promotional emails are considered to be bulk mail rather than transactional mail. Transactional email includes responses to users submitting their email addresses, commenting or getting a reply to a comment, […]

Give WordPress A Boost With Jetpack

One of the first decisions to be made after choosing to use WordPress is where to host it. The two major options are self-hosting or free hosting on the cloud hosting platform. There are advantages to both, but for a business site or a personal site that the user needs to have complete control […]

Backing Up WordPress to the Cloud

There’s an often-repeated saying among system administrators that if data doesn’t exist in at least three places, then it doesn’t exist at all. Data is ephemeral, and the media we use to store it is by no means immune to corruption and degradation. For personal sites, and even more so for business sites, spreading the […]

Six Great Apps for Working With WordPress

Over the years the WordPress dashboard has improved enormously. From being a relatively frustrating experience, creating blog posts with WordPress has become very slick and straightforward. However, for many reasons, some people prefer to put their posts together offline or in an external application, or on their mobile devices and have the publication handled automatically. […]

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