Top 3 WordPress Caching Plugins

One of the simplest methods of implementing caching for WordPress Hosting is through third-party plugins. Caching will speed up your site and reduce latency by temporarily storing frequently-requested data. Because repeated page requests can be slow and expensive in terms of resources, it is helpful to cache the results of those requests. Third-party caching plugins for […]

Using Metadata To Improve WordPress Search And Social Performance

Ideally, search engines and social networks would be smart enough to look at a website and glean all of the information they need from the human-readable content on the page. In reality, they’re nowhere near intelligent enough; they can make guesses which are often pretty good, but they need a little help to understand what […]

What's the best solution for mobile friendly WordPress sites?

Over the last few months we’ve seen a number of mobile watersheds: Facebook announced that almost half of its users only use Facebook on mobile; Google announced that there were more searches from mobile devices than PCs in many key markets and that it would be giving mobile-friendly sites a boost in the SERPS for […]

Backing Up Your WordPress Database The Right Way

One of the most heartbreaking experiences I’ve had when advising people about WordPress was with a friend of mine who had spent weeks setting up her site, writing content, and posting images, only to lose everything just as she was about to launch because she mistyped a command on her VPS’s command line. Of course, […]

Adding JavaScript To Your WordPress Site The Right Way

If you have a basic familiarity with web development, you’ll know that if you want to add a JavaScript or JQuery script to your site, the best way is to insert the < script > tags into the head section of the pages (or at the bottom of the body section, in some cases). The […]

The best solution: ExpressionEngine or WordPress?

There is no shortage of powerful content management systems, many of which are capable of being used to build any type of site you can imagine. That does not, however, mean that every content management is the best fit for every site. I’d like to take a look at two content management systems in particular: […]

Oasis Workflow Plugin Is A Powerful Editorial Workflow Manager For WordPress

For a small blog with only one writer, workflows are generally straightforward: write, proofread, publish. I often suggest that one-person blogs take advantage of an editorial calendar, but beyond that there isn’t much need for more advanced workflow management tools. The situation is entirely different for blogs with multiple writers and editors dealing with a […]

Three Plugins That Improve The WordPress Writing Experience

Once upon a time, I used to refuse point blank to write using the WordPress editor. I’d been burnt too many times by refreshing tabs and unreliable sites causing me to lose a big chunk of text, and, as a professional writer, I simply couldn’t afford to take the risk. On top of which, TinyMCE […]

Monetizing A WordPress Site With Memberships

There are many different ways to make money from a successful publishing venture, but the two most popular are advertising and subscriptions. Of these, advertising is by far the most popular. Web users expect to get content for free, which makes it difficult for publishers and writers to convince them to pay. Advertising is a […]

Improve UX and branding by white labeling WordPress

Most WordPress users don’t care about WordPress. The name of the content management system, the majority of its functionality, its community, and the underlying framework don’t matter one whit to them. They care deeply about publishing content, about making sales, about generating leads — WordPress is just the tool they use achieve those goals. The […]

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