Keep Your Site Fast with Mod_PageSpeed

Slow sites crush eCommerce. Your customers will rebound quickly and forget about your lumbering load times when they flee to your competition. The same can’t be said for your site. Even if you dropped time and money on a sleek interface, marketing, and captivating copy,  even a 2-second load time will send your customers for […]

How To Reduce Chargebacks On Your Magento eCommerce Store

Chargebacks are a safeguard for shoppers, and from that perspective they are good for eCommerce. They reassure shoppers that when they give their credit card details to a merchant or payment processor, their money will be returned if they aren’t satisfied. But chargebacks put strain on eCommerce retailers, who have occasionally been driven out of […]

WordPress photo gallery plugins

What are the Five Best WordPress Photo Gallery Plugins?

Whether you’re a travel blogger, food blogger or fashion blogger showing off vacation spots, delicious meals, and outfit choices, or you’re a photographer, destination, or retail shop highlighting your brand experience, at some point you’re going need to add a gallery of photos or several photo galleries to your WordPress website. And, because you know […]

What to Ask Your Hosting Provider

Each year, half a billion dollars is lost to slow websites after users abandon shopping carts and content pages. The reason? Insufficient hosting support, undefined expectations, and hosting provider marketing that doesn’t line up with reality.

Data Center Risk Factors and Recovery

Data Center Risk Factors and Recovery

When something goes wrong in a data center, their disaster recovery plan kicks in. A good disaster recovery plan aims to reduce data center risk to zero by implementing a range of redundancies and protections. To do that, it’s important to first walk through the data center risk factors out there.

Steps to a Successful Website Migration

5 Steps to a Successful Website Migration

Website migrations can be scary, but they don’t have to be. Here are 5 steps for making your moving experience as seamless as possible; starting from knowing what you need to back-up, and finishing with full DNS propagation and your new hosting solution going live.

Link Building for eCommerce Businesses

In my previous two posts here on Nexcess, I talked about technical SEO and keyword research for eCommerce companies. Both of these form the base of a great SEO strategy. Without a crawlable website or pages on your site targeting keywords with search volume that are relevant to your business, you will never rank. But […]

Is Time To First Byte (TTFB) important?

Time To First Byte (TTFB) is the time it takes for a web server to respond to a request. It’s a metric reported by several page speed testers. It is also often quoted as being a primary means for measuring how fast a site is. The idea being that the faster a web server responds, […]

The Adobe Magento Acquisition on Twitter (as It Unfolded)

The last day has been one to remember. The acquisition of Magento by Adobe has been completed. The Magento community was abuzz as members began to once again revisit their expectations and hesitations. This was especially prominent on Twitter. Here’s how Twitter reacted following the news.      

Illustration of a semitruck with the Nexcess logo

How to Choose a Data Center Location: Best Practices and Strategy

Choosing the right data center location can feel as though it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll make when taking your business online. On top of the sheer volume of choice, you also have to confront some very real performance requirements.  A good choice means an optimized web environment capable of reaching your entire […]

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