June 19, 2018

The Adobe Magento AcquisitionThe last day has been one to remember. The acquisition of Magento by Adobe has been completed. The Magento community was abuzz as members began to once again revisit their expectations and hesitations. This was especially prominent on Twitter. Here’s how Twitter reacted following the news.

9:05am EST – Magento updates their online presence to Adobe, and their Twitter profile states “Magento, an @Adobe company, offers flexible eCommerce solutions, a vibrant extensions marketplace, and an open global ecosystem.”\

9:07am EST – Adobe post a tweet, welcoming the Magento community to the Adobe ecosystem and showing excitement at the possibilities.

9:08am EST – The Official Magento Twitter status concerning the completion of the acquisition hits at 9:08am EST. Comments show a mix of excitement and shock, as the community realizes the future of Magento.

9:16am EST – Speaking at Meet Magento Germany 2018, Matt Asay, head of the developer ecosystem at Adobe said, “Adobe needs Magento. We need the Magento community and ecosystem. We need every single one of you.”

10:00am EST – Banners begin to spring up, with both Adobe and Magento prominently featured. Today had been planned, with the completed acquisition made as seamless as possible. A show from Adobe of how they view the Magento community.

But branding exchanges went both ways.

11:01am EST – Magento get together for their first All Hands Meeting with Adobe. Insights aplenty about the future inter-connectivity of the two made their way into onto Twitter, with inter-connectivity between Creative Cloud and Document Cloud one such reveal.

11:12am EST – Teams around the world come together to welcome Adobe into the Magento fold. Interesting conversations arise and uncertainties start to be laid to rest.


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