eCommerce 101: Why You Need An eCommerce Website

eCommerce is the future of retail, but what will the eCommerce store of the future look like? Will eCommerce businesses sell their products via third-party channels like eBay or Amazon, or will they invest in an eCommerce website they control? Will eCommerce apps take the place of traditional eCommerce stores on the web platform?

13 Magento Experts Share Their Most Valuable Tips

We’re happy to announce the publication of our newest Magento ebook. We asked some of the leading retailers in the Magento community how they build and manage successful Magento stores, and we’ve collected the best answers together in 13 Magento Experts Share Their Most Valuable Tips. Our mission is to make Magento accessible to as […]

Can WordPress Be Used For Enterprise Resource Planning?

When most of us think of content management systems, we have in mind a tool that can be used for building websites and blogs. But content management systems — including WordPress — can be used for much more than web publishing. The ability to categorize, process, filter, display, and control access to information are the […]

The Secret Of High-Converting Calls To Action

Calls to action are the pointy end of the conversion optimization process. They’re the make or break element that can mean the difference between a sale or signup and a “maybe not.” Your website is a machine for creating sales and conversions. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a blog, a eCommerce store, or a lead […]

Creating Multilingual WordPress Sites

Even though the web is a global network, many businesses are happy to create an English-language site and leave it at that. In some cases, that’s fine. The burden of translation can be quite high, and if the market a site is addressing is fairly localized, then the ROI of internationalizing isn’t worth the effort. […]

Cron Job for Every Three Days

Previously, I talked about creating a cron job for the last day of the month. This time around, I’m going to show how to set a cron job to run every so-many days. We’ll use every three days as an example. If you know cron you’re probably thinking, “That’s easy!” Yes, it is. Here’s how […]

WordPress beats the competition for small biz sites

For new small business owners, a website is a necessity. Tech startups get all the attention in the media, but the fact is that most small business startups don’t have a web technology expert among the founders. The plumbers, electricians, realtors, and consultants who form the largest contingent of new business owners usually don’t have […]

PHP Sessions and Objects

For the majority of my PHP career I didn’t store objects in a session. Not that it’s a difficult thing, I simply didn’t have a need to in the past. Now that I do, I have discovered a peculiar (in my opinion) aspect of it. This came about because the session data on a certain […]

Cron Job For the Last Day of the Month

I think cron is a wonderful creation. It is simple in what it does while being extremely useful. Allow me to present a short introduction to it for those unfamiliar, then I will show you a handy trick you may need someday. Keep reading this blog to learn about cron and the crontab command — […]

How Magento Sends Email

If you use Magento, then you depend on its email functionality to send order confirmations, invoices, and shipping confirmations to your clients. Aside from technical people, many Magento users do not know how Magento sends email. While knowing how Magento sends email may not be essential to running your online store, it becomes extremely useful […]

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