10 Magento Integrations You Need To Know About

Magento, in both its community and enterprise editions, is overwhelmingly the most popular open source eCommerce platform available. Much of its power is baked right in, with almost all the features an online store needs, but there are also many third party integrations that extend Magento’s functionality considerably. Integrating Magento with external services is the […]

Why Choose Magento Enterprise Edition For Your eCommerce Store.

Magento is, at its core, an open source and freely available eCommerce solution. Coupled with optimized Magento hosting, the Community Edition incorporates all the basics that new online retailers need to get a store up and running. However, there are several distinct advantages to choosing to deploy a Magento Enterprise Edition store. Support The Magento […]

Nexcess Publishes Comprehensive Magento Optimization Guide With Benchmarks

Magento Optimization Guide With Benchmarks

Southfield, MI, April 8, 2013 – Nexcess, a provider of optimized Magento hosting, has published “Magento Hosting: Best Practices for Optimum Performance”, a free white paper that contains guidance and analysis regarding the best configuration of Magento Enterprise Edition and the applications it relies on. Based on extensive testing, the […]

Simplify Shipping With Magento

As anyone involved in eCommerce knows, fulfillment is one of the most difficult aspects to manage properly. Many new online retailers don’t realize the amount of work involved in preparing products for shipping and handing them off to delivery services. Getting fulfillment right is crucial for a store’s reputation and for retaining customers. If a […]

Integrate Magento with WordPress

Magento and WordPress are each dominant in their respective domains. Magento is the world’s most popular open source eCommerce platform, and WordPress the leading content management system. Each has its own strengths, but there are areas where those strengths don’t overlap. WordPress can be modified to function as an online store, and Magento can be […]

Simple Magento Sort Optimization Patch

While doing some profiling and benchmarking of Magento to test PHP-FPM I found that Magento was spending roughly a quarter of the run time for some page loads on comparing attributes. This struck me as odd, and so I looked into it more and found that it was specifically on pages with several products (like […]

PCI, Magento, and Storing Credit Card Information

The question of whether you can store credit card information within Magento comes up a lot here at Nexcess. The answer to this question is unfortunately not very clear when looking for an answer elsewhere including on the Magento website. To clarify the answer to this question, there are a few things that need to […]

By Brad

Magento Enterprise and Memcached

I recently worked with one of our Magento Enterprise Cluster clients who wanted to improve the performance of their site. This client was using our Content Delivery Network to offload the serving of static assets, and was following all of our recommended Magento Optimization best practices. They were also using Memcached as the fast-backend in […]

Updating an Old Theme to Work With Magento

Many Magento store owners continue to operate old versions of the rapidly maturing e-commerce application. With the 1.6 release looming on the horizon, now seems like a good time to consider upgrading. If you’re running a version prior to the 1.4 release, you will need to make some changes to your theme in order for […]

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