Nexcess blog

How drive-by download attacks affect WordPress sites

In previous articles we’ve talked about why criminals are interested in attacking WordPress sites and some of the methods they use. Today we’re going to look at drive-by downloads, a common category of attack used by criminals to infect site visitors with malware. Drive-by downloads are software downloads made to a device without the permission […]

Geotargeting On WordPress: Tailor Your WordPress Site Based On Location

You don’t need me to point out that the web is a global phenomenon, and yet many WordPress site owners don’t consider that their visitors can come from anywhere in the world. For local businesses, it might make sense to disregard all but a small population, but many WordPress websites could provide a better experience […]

Introducing Managed WooCommerce Hosting

“Shopify doesn’t require any work…” We were sitting outside at a friend’s backyard fire pit. The conversation was about work. My buddy was the technology person at a company doing a ridiculous amount of business online. He wasn’t part of the technology team. He was it. One guy. He’d been brought into the company to […]

Community Collaboration With Magento Open Source

Magento 2.2 has arrived! The newest release fixes 428 bugs, with 17 percent of those being community contributions. The full release notes can be found here. The 17 percent represents 71 bug fixes that would’ve likely been overlooked if not for the efforts of the Magento community. This result was thanks in no small part […]

Revenue And Traffic Diversity Is Crucial For WordPress Publishers

It’s no secret publishers are struggling to build sustainable content businesses. Advertising revenues were in decline before ad-blockers went mainstream, and since the advertising industry alienated a huge swathe of the online audience, it’s become even more difficult to make money from content. But difficult doesn’t mean impossible — there are plenty of WordPress publishers, […]

Static Cache: What it is, and How it Works

Static Cache: What it is, and How it Works

What is cache static content and why should you use it? Learn how to reduce overhead and save your server resources with Static Caching in this blog.

Choosing A React Alternative For Your WordPress Themes And Plugins

Matt Mullenweg recently announced that the WordPress project will no longer use the phenomenally popular React framework in its projects. React was being used to build the forthcoming Gutenberg editor, which will now have to be rewritten. WordPress theme and plugin developers don’t have to follow the lead of the WordPress project. They can use […]

Is WordPress The Right Choice For High-Traffic Websites?

I’m often asked whether WordPress is the right CMS for high-traffic websites, often with the implication that the person asking has experienced more than one slow WordPress site in the past. They may doubt whether WordPress can be scaled to meet the demands of a site with millions of visitors a month. One way to […]

Five Common Mistakes WordPress Theme Developers Should Avoid

Getting a theme into the WordPress Theme Repository can give a big boost to a WordPress developer’s credibility, especially if it proves popular with WordPress users. It’s also a great way to promote a premium theme — many theme developers publish “light” versions of their theme for free to promote a premium version with more […]

Why Do Spammers Attack WordPress Sites?

A WordPress site with web-facing forms will be spammed. If there’s a form to be filled in, it will be filled in by spammers, even when there is no clear motivation for doing so. Spammers register for membership of any site they find, they fill in forms for gated content, they submit fake email addresses […]

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