Magecart Attacks Again: the Latest on CardBleed

Magecart Attacks Again: the Latest on CardBleed

Magecart attacks against Magento 1 stores won’t stop. The best kind of protection against external attacks is a mix of server side protection in the form of a WAF plus modules and patches to keep your store protected.

Nexcess Magento Cloud vs. Magento Commerce Cloud

One of the misconceptions about the Enterprise version of Magento 2 is that you have to use Magento Commerce Cloud for hosting. Or that Magento Commerce and the AWS-based Cloud solution are one and the same thing. Magento Commerce Cloud hosting for your Magento store is built by Adobe and includes powerful features (modules) like […]

What is PWA and how to use them with Magento

What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)? Let’s begin by answering the question — what is PWA? PWA stands for Progressive Web Apps. Progressive web apps are a pattern for building web applications using HTML, CSS, JS and modern web browser APIs to bring a native-like experience. PWAs combine the best of 2 worlds: web and […]

A man in a warehouse surrounded by packages.

Ecommerce Tips: How to Ship Large and Heavy Items

When it comes to shipping, consumers definitely prefer fast & cheap (or free) — but determining how you ship your products & how you pass along or absorb that cost is tricky. And it becomes an even greater challenge if you sell large or bulky items. Heavy weight shipping is a little trickier. In this […]

Is Safe Harbor Right For You?

If you’re a Magento developer or systems integrator you’ve likely been bombarded by emails, blog posts, and notices that end-of-life (EOL) is coming. That means no new features & no security patches which puts Magento 1 stores at risk. While many store owners are preparing to migrate to Magento 2 or other ecommerce platforms, some […]

Top ecommerce analytics tools

7 Ecommerce Analytics Tools You Might Not be Using

Ecommerce analytics tools help you gauge success. Check out these resources that will help you better understand your customers and make smarter decisions.

Don’t Settle for Just Any Port in the Storm

Nexcess Safe Harbor is the Haven Magento Stores Need The currents and undercurrents of Magento’s strategy are ever changing. One day it’s smooth sailing with technology that simply performs, propelling sales and service; the next day they are raising the anchor, and creating a wake of disruption that the entire ecosystem must brace themselves to […]

Creating opportunities from Magento’s platform change

Disruption. Not a word anyone running a mission-critical business wants to hear. And there’s no shying away from the fact that Magento has introduced disruption into the commerce market by sunsetting the Magento 1 platform and encouraging merchants to re-platform to M2.   But what about when disruption creates opportunity and innovation?  When disruption brings about […]

How to Use Google Tag Manager for Your Ecommerce Business

Historically, consumer use of ecommerce stores has been a mystery to merchants. Traffic sources, bounce rates, and others were the metrics of educated guesses and opinions. Today, however, powerful tracking tools like Google Tag Manager for WordPress have brought data to that mystery, answering questions with a level of certainty never seen before.  These tools […]

What Events Businesses Should Track with Google Analytics

Tracking interactions between customers and your ecommerce store is essential if you want to gauge the performance of your business. However, it’s not always obvious which interactions you should be tracking. If you track too little, you’re not getting the most representative picture, and if you track too much, the important data gets buried.  In […]

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