How Do WordPress Caching Plugins Work?

With loading speed being one of the crucial factors that make or break the success of a WordPress website, WordPress caching plugins are all over the place these days. There are free caching plugins and premium ones. Companies bombard us with their marketing, explaining why their WordPress caching plugin is the best one. Ever wonder: […]

Add Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products

How Do You Add Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products?

Depending on your business model, you might need to add custom fields to your WooCommerce products. Those could be text fields, select boxes, radio buttons, or any other type of input you can think of. You can add them so that they only show in the backend when managing your orders, or you can display […] Shows How Managed WooCommerce Hosting Provides Speed and Flexibility

Chris Lema, our VP of Products and Innovation at Nexcess, was recently interviewed by Christine Preusler from to discuss our new Managed WooCommerce Hosting solution. The article reviews the platform in depth, breaking down many facets of the plan, including the integrations with Jilt for cart abandonment, the types of stores this platform […]

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