Choosing A React Alternative For Your WordPress Themes And Plugins

Matt Mullenweg recently announced that the WordPress project will no longer use the phenomenally popular React framework in its projects. React was being used to build the forthcoming Gutenberg editor, which will now have to be rewritten. WordPress theme and plugin developers don’t have to follow the lead of the WordPress project. They can use […]

Is WordPress The Right Choice For High-Traffic Websites?

I’m often asked whether WordPress is the right CMS for high-traffic websites, often with the implication that the person asking has experienced more than one slow WordPress site in the past. They may doubt whether WordPress can be scaled to meet the demands of a site with millions of visitors a month. One way to […]

Five Common Mistakes WordPress Theme Developers Should Avoid

Getting a theme into the WordPress Theme Repository can give a big boost to a WordPress developer’s credibility, especially if it proves popular with WordPress users. It’s also a great way to promote a premium theme — many theme developers publish “light” versions of their theme for free to promote a premium version with more […]

Why Do Spammers Attack WordPress Sites?

A WordPress site with web-facing forms will be spammed. If there’s a form to be filled in, it will be filled in by spammers, even when there is no clear motivation for doing so. Spammers register for membership of any site they find, they fill in forms for gated content, they submit fake email addresses […]

Are You Using A Staging Server For WordPress Development?

If you run a WordPress site, the following scenario is probably familiar to you. You have what seems like an excellent idea for a change to your site. You log in to the administration dashboard, make some changes, and everything looks good. Then you refresh your site’s homepage to find that instead of the elegantly-designed […]

Customer Spotlight: WebWise Solutions

If you have ever met anyone on our Managed WordPress team, one thing is glaringly obvious. We really love coffee. I mean, it is something that gets talked about often in our daily calls. Imagine my excitement when I spoke with one of our most devoted Nexcess customers (he’s been with us for 10 years!) […]

Keeping your site safe with Two-Factor Authentication

There are lots of hacked WordPress sites on the web. Hacked sites are often the victims of botnets that brute force the login process, trying lots of different combinations of usernames and passwords until they hit one that lets them in. After they have access they can plant malware or other undesirable content on a […]

Languages you need for WordPress plugin and theme development

WordPress is enormously popular and that popularity shows no sign of waning. If you learn how to build themes, plugins, and other integrations, you can tap into a massive market. It’s a competitive market, to be sure, but one that offers opportunities to developers in many different areas: bespoke theme and plugin development, premium theme […]

Why Is It Important That WordPress Is Open Source?

WordPress is open source software. For a project to be called open source it has to fulfill a couple of criteria: the source code must be freely available and it must be licensed in such a way as to ensure that anyone can modify and share and the code. If you aren’t a developer, your […]

Will Moving To A JavaScript Front-End Hurt Your WordPress Site’s SEO?

When the REST API was first introduced, Matt Mullenweg said WordPress developers should “learn JavaScript, deeply”. The REST API, which recently gained new content endpoints, makes WordPress more than a content management framework: it can now act as the back-end for a huge variety front-end applications and we can expect to see more WordPress themes […]

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