How To Reduce The Amount Of WordPress Training Clients Require

At the end of every WordPress project, after the final website is launched into the world, there is one final task to complete: educating the client on how to use WordPress. The length and depth of the training depends on not only the client’s technical savvy and familiarity with WordPress, but also the complexity of […]

7 Types of WordPress Sites That Are Easy to Set Up

When deciding what platform to build a website on, one of the more common questions is about what types of websites WordPress hosts. The answer? Anything! While you can do just about anything with a WordPress site, we wanted to focus on seven easy sites you can build without getting too in the weeds. 1. […]

What Clients Need To Know Before Hiring An Agency

Imagine what business would be like if you didn’t have to pitch and sell, or seek out and convince new clients to hire you. Imagine how different your business would be if your pipeline was consistently full and potential clients said “yes” with excitement after only a conversation or two. It’s possible. Providing clients with […]

How to Use Google Tag Manager for Your Ecommerce Business

Historically, consumer use of ecommerce stores has been a mystery to merchants. Traffic sources, bounce rates, and others were the metrics of educated guesses and opinions. Today, however, powerful tracking tools like Google Tag Manager for WordPress have brought data to that mystery, answering questions with a level of certainty never seen before.  These tools […]

What Events Businesses Should Track with Google Analytics

Tracking interactions between customers and your ecommerce store is essential if you want to gauge the performance of your business. However, it’s not always obvious which interactions you should be tracking. If you track too little, you’re not getting the most representative picture, and if you track too much, the important data gets buried.  In […]

What are PHP Workers and Why You Should Care

What are PHP workers?

A PHP worker handles requests on your site. Learn how many PHP workers per site are recommended and understand PHP worker queues.

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