Introducing a New Brand for our Growing Suite of Ecommerce Solutions on WordPress

A note from Joe Oesterling, CTO, Liquid Web For over 22 years, our Liquid Web family of brands has delivered technology and support for businesses and nonprofits running mission-critical websites, stores, and apps. We’ve built a family of brands totally devoted to web and cloud professionals like you, including businesses, nonprofits, designers, developers, and agencies. […]

Making the Leap From WordPress to Ecommerce

WordPress can be an excellent platform for building a professional website, even if you’re someone without much experience. While on its own, WordPress doesn’t offer an ecommerce option, the WooCommerce plugin makes it easy to transform your WordPress website into an online store that’s intuitive and extremely flexible to work with. Today, we’ll be taking […]

Convert to WebP images on WordPress

One of the easiest ways to improve your site loading time is to serve smaller images using an image format that handles image compression.The WebP image format typically will produce an image that is 30% smaller than the JPG version.

The 5 Best Elementor Add-on Plugins

Elementor has over 5+ million active installs which means there is a massive market for add-on plugins for Elementor which will extend its features and add additional elements and widgets that can be used on your site.

Modern Deployments for Your WordPress Sites

Modern Deployments for Your WordPress Sites

As our applications, sites, and stores become more modernized, we should be modernizing our deployments, too. From version control to continuous delivery, a modern release process can relieve anxiety around deployments.

Image of a laptop on a desk with text "Adding Unit Tests to an Existing WordPress Plugin"

Adding Unit Tests to an Existing WordPress Plugin

So far we’ve done little more than introduce you to the idea of building tests for your WordPress plugins and talk about a bunch of the extra terms you need to understand to dive deeper into testing your code. Today we’re going to make it practical by grabbing one of my free plugins and adding a few unit tests to show you how to put it together.

What Automatic Plugin and Theme Updates Mean for Managed WordPress Hosting

What Automatic Plugin and Theme Updates Mean for Managed WordPress Hosting

As you may have heard, WordPress 5.5 introduces a User Interface (UI) for toggling automatic plugin and theme updates. The underlying functionality has actually existed in WordPress since automatic core updates were introduced way back in WordPress 3.7, but for the first time WordPress core is shipping with a user interface for controlling what gets updated.

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