
Nexcess, the premium hosting provider for WordPress, WooCommerce, and Magento, is optimized for your hosting needs. Nexcess provides a managed hosting infrastructure, curated tools, and a team of experts that make it easy to build, manage, and grow your business online. Serving SMBs and the designers, developers, and agencies who create for them, Nexcess has provided fully managed, high-performance cloud solutions for more than 22 years.

Niche Vs. General Purpose WordPress Themes: Which Is Right For You?

If you are anything like me, you have a hard time choosing a WordPress theme for your site. There are thousands of premium themes and even more free themes. I’ve spent many an hour scrolling through theme marketplaces, opening theme pages in dozens of tabs, and scrutinizing demonstration sites – all in an effort to […]

Steps to a Successful Website Migration

5 Steps to a Successful Website Migration

Website migrations can be scary, but they don’t have to be. Here are 5 steps for making your moving experience as seamless as possible; starting from knowing what you need to back-up, and finishing with full DNS propagation and your new hosting solution going live.

Magento maintainance

Five Magento Tasks To Keep Your Store Running Smoothly

Like any complex piece of software, Magento requires a bit of maintenance every now and again. As your store evolves and your business grows, new products and customer accounts are created and deleted, extensions and themes are installed or modified, and the general day-to-day operations of the store leave their mark. Diligently maintaining your store […]

Does Your WordPress Theme Meet The Official Standards?

Themes in the WordPress Theme Repository could be used by hundreds of thousands of WordPress hosting clients. The official WordPress themes have over a million active users. A popular free theme like Sydney is used on over 200,000 sites. If a theme in the official repository has compatibility issues or security vulnerabilities, many thousands of […]

What Is WooCommerce Marketing Automation?

The dream of marketers is to send personalized content to leads at precisely the moment it is likely to have the most effect. Although most WooCommerce hosting clients don’t have a multi-dimensional trove of data about shoppers, we do have clues that can be used to personalize and schedule content with a positive effect on […]

Link Building for eCommerce Businesses

In my previous two posts here on Nexcess, I talked about technical SEO and keyword research for eCommerce companies. Both of these form the base of a great SEO strategy. Without a crawlable website or pages on your site targeting keywords with search volume that are relevant to your business, you will never rank. But […]

WordPress new feature plugin for PWAs

A new PWA feature plugin from Google, Automattic, and XWP lays the groundwork for turning WordPress into a Progressive Web App (PWA). Major WordPress features often start life as feature plugins: the new Gutenberg block-based editor was developed and tested as a feature plugin. The PWA plugin modifies WordPress to make it more compatible with […]

Auditing WordPress Site Performance With Lighthouse

Performance-optimized WordPress hosting is an essential component of a fast and reliable WordPress site, but hosting isn’t the only variable that affects performance. A host of other factors are involved in ensuring that the data your site sends to the browser is received and rendered as quickly as possible.

Diagnosing Errors On Your WordPress Site

Sometimes, your WordPress site may behave in ways you don’t expect. Perhaps a widget has disappeared from its customary page, or an inscrutable string of letters and numbers are output onto the page, or instead of your WordPress site, all you can see is a blank white page. Usually, the cause of these problems is […]

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