We all love spooky season, but this October has been no tricks and all treats for WordPress users. The much anticipated major release, WordPress Version 6.1, is due out November 1, and Twitter is feeling the love – well most of the time.
Check out our favorite tweets from this past month.
The fast and the furious
WordPress developer Nat Miletic talks about what really takes the wind out of WordPress sails, and we could not agree more!

WPEngine’s Brian Gardner waxes poetic about how much faster developing on WordPress has become.

WordPress core committer Jonny Harris wasted no time giving us the deets on just how fast 6.1 generates pages.

Teckhawks founder Kamal Shakoor is just like us. We’re always looking for ways to improve speed. We like to keep an eye on our waterfall and use Plugin Performance Monitor so we can see what’s impacting speed before customers do.

Content bliss
We’re all pretty psyched for the next WordPress version, and Matías Ventura over at Automattic nails down why the improved features in 6.1 are important for writers and editors in this helpful thread.
![First tweet from a thread by @matias_ventura that reads "While attention is focused on the site customization pieces of Gutenberg in WordPress, here are some of the latest updates to the writing experience worth noting. 📝🧵 [1/8]" and continues on throughout a thread (not pictured).](https://cdn.sanity.io/images/v6oximkk/production/b5963c04e532aeaba9a536726fc78e415c365ff4-792x398.jpg?w=792&h=398&auto=format)
uSERP CEO Jeremy Moser outlined some great tools for WordPress content creators that, uh, maybe we’ll get for ourselves. *sneaks out of the Google Meet room*

WordPress dev Alek Asaduryan pulls no punches when breaking down online business success. Content is king, and thankfully it’s not a Targaryen.

We got jokes
Earlier this month, WP got rid of the Active Install Growth Chart in the Plugin Repository. HDC’s Brian Coords tugs at our heart strings with this community appeal.

Front-end dev Allison Tarr makes a case for lowercase (and even if we capitalize, we are right there booing with her over folks that don’t add alt text).

The “Team as a Service” Twelfth Dream left us in stitches with this dev meme. Don’t worry, back-end devs, we still love our unsung heroes.

Who’s down with PHP? Yeah you know me! WordPress developer MK had sharp words for folks who diss the language that the bulk of WordPress core is written in.

Conversation starters
David Bisset at Dimension Media wanted to know your fave plugin. We’re kinda biased – it’s WooCommerce for us ;) We think you should head over and chime in, too!

Rich Tabor likes finding a diamond in the rough. We have our favorites, and we may or may not have a little sister that makes some great plugins *cough cough* StellarWP *cough cough*

We certainly couldn’t overlook this landmark occasion. Shout out to WordPress for hitting the big 100,000,000!

Want to be featured? Post about WordPress and you just might see yourself here!
Check back next month for the best WordPress tweets of November.
Nexcess ❤️ WordPress
When you’re not scrolling through your Twitter feed, you’re probably working on your WordPress site.
Nexcess managed WordPress makes it faster and easier to build beautiful sites on WordPress. Your business needs a highly performant host that can address your website’s needs flexibly.
With exclusive features like Plugin Performance Monitor, Sales Performance Monitor, and WooCommerce Automated Testing, Nexcess helps your business grow.
Check out our plans and see why Nexcess doesn’t have to slide into WordPress’s DMs, we’re already besties.