The Best WooCommerce Themes You Need Today

The Best WooCommerce Themes You Need Today

Picking the right theme for your WooCommerce store will make or break how the site looks and performs. Picking a bloated theme that will cause issues for the store is something that you really want to avoid.

5 advanced techniques to speed up WordPress

5 Techniques to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Learn how to speed up WordPress with techniques that go beyond basic. Read this blog for five advanced WordPress optimization techniques to try.

How to Improve Website Performance in WordPress

How to Improve Website Performance in WordPress

Nothing will make a visitor leave your site faster than slow loading speed. If the page doesn’t load for them immediately, they’ll click off and find another option.

Woman sitting at a desk in front of a desktop computer

The 15 Most Popular WordPress Plugins in 2024

Learn the most popular WordPress plugins across five categories: commerce, security, page builders, forms, and search engine optimization.

Image of a touch screen viewing Google with the text "What Are Core Web Vitals? How to Prepare for Google's Algorithm Update" layered over the image.

What Are Core Web Vitals? How to Prepare for Google’s Algorithm Update

Core Web Vitals are Google’s newest page experience metrics. Learn more from Nexcess about what core web vitals are and how they will be affecting your website.

Introducing a New Brand for our Growing Suite of Ecommerce Solutions on WordPress

A note from Joe Oesterling, CTO, Liquid Web For over 22 years, our Liquid Web family of brands has delivered technology and support for businesses and nonprofits running mission-critical websites, stores, and apps. We’ve built a family of brands totally devoted to web and cloud professionals like you, including businesses, nonprofits, designers, developers, and agencies. […]

Making the Leap From WordPress to Ecommerce

WordPress can be an excellent platform for building a professional website, even if you’re someone without much experience. While on its own, WordPress doesn’t offer an ecommerce option, the WooCommerce plugin makes it easy to transform your WordPress website into an online store that’s intuitive and extremely flexible to work with. Today, we’ll be taking […]

Convert to WebP images on WordPress

One of the easiest ways to improve your site loading time is to serve smaller images using an image format that handles image compression.The WebP image format typically will produce an image that is 30% smaller than the JPG version.

Running WordPress Locally with Vagrant and VVV

Today we’re going to look at one of the first tools that I dug into as I learned more about server configuration and working with WordPress Core code, Varying Vagrant Vagrants. That’s a bit of a mouthful, so it’s most often abbreviated to VVV, which is what I’ll use.

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