How to uninstall a Magento theme.

How To Uninstall a Magento Theme: The Ultimate Guide

The steps to uninstall a Magento 2 theme vary based on multiple factors. Read our detailed guide that explains the different ways to remove a Magento theme.

grouped product in Magento

A Merchant’s Guide to the Grouped Product in Magento 2: What It Is & How To Use It

Grouped products help you boost order values organically. Want to learn how? Here’s everything you need to know about the grouped product in Magento 2.

How to add configurable products in Magento 2.

Guide to Adding Configurable Products in Magento 2

Configurable products let you offer multiple product options on one page. Here’s our guide that shows how to add configurable products in Magento.

Magento 2 speed optimization

8 Strategies to Optimize Magento 2 Speeds

Battling a slow Magento store? Read our detailed guide on Magento 2 speed optimization that addresses common Magento issues and provides solutions.

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