An Introduction to Using Gutenberg with WooCommerce

On December 6th, 2018 the controversial new editor experience for WordPress dropped and it’s called Gutenberg. While many are concerned about how it was rolled out I don’t think that anyone can deny that Gutenberg is the future of WordPress. That also means that Gutenberg is the future of WooCommerce, so let’s dive in and […]

A Real-World Guide to Using Gutenberg

Gutenberg is the new post editor that will be published with WordPress version 5. Its name derives from Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the printing press. Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, and his team aim to simplify creating content with WordPress. To be fair, Gutenberg is not officially ready for using it on production systems […]

How to Understand WordPress Gutenberg: Beyond an Editor

Gutenberg is a new visual editor rolling out to WordPress. But to truly understand WordPress Gutenberg, you need to know it’s also a lot more than that. WordPress Gutenberg is a block-based layout engine. But more than making things look pretty, Gutenberg really opens the door for new possibilities in WordPress. Wix and SquareSpace and […]

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